The structure of plant communities of mountain vegetation in Xiamen city was analyzed. The existing vegetation in Xiamen is subtropical monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest. Evergreen broad-leaved trees dominate the mixed stand. Acacia confusa Merr is the dominant species in the mountain vegetation in Xiamen city. Regarding spccies composition of the arbors and shrub layers, dominant species at arbor layer are Acacia confusa Merr, Pinus massoniana Lamb, Bridelia tomentosa B1, Celtis tetrandra Roxb.ssp.sinensis (Pers.) Y.C. Tang, and Ficus microcarpa. The dominant species of shrub layer mainly are L. rotundifolia (Nees) Hemsl. Clerodendron cyrtophyllum CTurcz var. cannabifolia (Sieb.et Zucc) Hand.-Mzt, Gardenia jasminoides Ellis, Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait) Hassk and Rhus chinensis Mill.Meanwhile, the biodiversity of plant communities of mountain vegetation in Xiamen city was also analyzed.
Journal of Chinese Urban Forestry