The mechanism of organic-inorganic complex plugging for Well 8001 in Kenjiyak Oilfield was investigated by separating and analyzing the plug- ging samples.The composition of the plugging sub- stance was:5.31%(by weight)of inorganic matter, 48.23% of normal heptane asphaltene and 10.87% of resin.By XRD method,the constitution of inorganic matter was analyzed,in which the content of quartz was 60.8%.The results showed that the reason for the plugging of wellbore for Well 8001 was mainly the pre- cipitation of resin and asphaltene in combination with mineral materials.Most of inorganic matter didnt origi- nate from the reservoir and was introduced for various operational procedures.The asphaltene onset precipita- tion pressure and temperature were predicted by estab- lishing a predicting model of onset precipitation pres- sure and temperature.The contents of carbon and hy- drogen element in plugging asphaltene,crude oil as- phahene and asphaltene of reservoir asphaltene layer were analyzed by NMR method.The results showed that the content of carbon element in plugging asphalt- ene was higher than that in crude oil asphaltene and that the content of hydrogen element in plugging as- phaltene was lower than that in crude oil asphaltene, and that the content of carbon element in asphaltene of reservoir asphaltene layer was highest and the content of hydrogen element was lowest among three kinds of asphaltene,which meaned that all of plugging asphalt- ene didnt originate from crude oil and that part of plug- ging asphaltene might originate from asphaltene layer of reservoir.
Chemical engineering of oil & gas