Chaotic dynamics of highly excited vibration of deuterium cyanide is explored by two independent approaches: (1) the Lyapunov analysis, based on the classical phase space for the levels, and (2) the Dixon dip analysis based on the concepts of pendulum dynamics and quantized levels. The results show that there is evident correlation between these two algorithms. We also propose that the reciprocal of energy difference between two nearby Dixon dips can be taken as a qualitative measure for the degree of dynamical chaos.
Chaotic dynamics of highly excited vibration of deuterium cyanide is explored by two independent approaches: (1) the Lyapunov analysis, based on the classical phase space for the levels, and (2) the Dixon dip analysis based on the concepts of pendulum dynamics and quantized levels. The results show that there is evident correlation between these two algorithms. We also propose that the reciprocal of energy difference between two nearby Dixon dips can be taken as a qualitative measure for the degree of dynamical chaos.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No 20373030, the Key Project of the Ministry of Education of China under Grant No 306020.