
Quantum Theory of Electronic Double-Slit Diffraction 被引量:6

Quantum Theory of Electronic Double-Slit Diffraction
摘要 Phenomena of electron, neutron, atomic and molecular diffraction have been studied in many experiments, and these experiments have been explained by some theoretical works. We study electronic double-slit diffraction with a quantum mechanical approach and obtain the following results: (1) When the ratio of d + a /a=n (n = 1,2, 3,...), orders n, 2n, 3n,... are missing in diffraction pattern. (2) When the ratio of d+a/a≠ n (n =1,2, 3,...), there is a not missing order in diffraction pattern. (3) The slit thickness c has a large affect on the electronic diffraction pattern, which is a new quantum effect. We believe that all the predictions in our work can be tested by the electronic double slit diffraction experiment. Phenomena of electron, neutron, atomic and molecular diffraction have been studied in many experiments, and these experiments have been explained by some theoretical works. We study electronic double-slit diffraction with a quantum mechanical approach and obtain the following results: (1) When the ratio of d + a /a=n (n = 1,2, 3,...), orders n, 2n, 3n,... are missing in diffraction pattern. (2) When the ratio of d+a/a≠ n (n =1,2, 3,...), there is a not missing order in diffraction pattern. (3) The slit thickness c has a large affect on the electronic diffraction pattern, which is a new quantum effect. We believe that all the predictions in our work can be tested by the electronic double slit diffraction experiment.
出处 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第10期2741-2744,共4页 中国物理快报(英文版)
基金 Supported by the National Science Foundation of China under Grant No 10105003.
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