Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a spatially evolving fiat-plate boundary layer transition process at free stream Mach number 0. 7 is performed. Tollmien-Schlichting (T-S) waves are added on the inlet boundary as the disturbances before transition. Typical coherent structures in the transition process are investigated based on the second invariant of velocity gradient tensor. The instantaneous shear stress and the mean velocity profile in the transition region are studied. In our view, the fact that the peak value of shear stress in the stress concentration area increases and exceeds a threshold value during the later stage of the trallsition process plays an important role in the laminar breakdown process.
Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a spatially evolving fiat-plate boundary layer transition process at free stream Mach number 0. 7 is performed. Tollmien-Schlichting (T-S) waves are added on the inlet boundary as the disturbances before transition. Typical coherent structures in the transition process are investigated based on the second invariant of velocity gradient tensor. The instantaneous shear stress and the mean velocity profile in the transition region are studied. In our view, the fact that the peak value of shear stress in the stress concentration area increases and exceeds a threshold value during the later stage of the trallsition process plays an important role in the laminar breakdown process.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos 90205025, 19872069, 170176033 and 10502052, and the Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences under Grant No INF105-SCE. We thank Zhou Heng and Luo Jisheng at Tianjin University for providing the T-S wave code and helpful discussion on linear stability theory. We also thank the Supercomputing Centre of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the State Key Laboratory of Scientific and Engineering Computing for providing computation resources.