This paper analyzes the characteristics of the management of the school fixed assets and the phenomenon of the discordance between the finance records and the real objects, and suggests about the further enhancement of the school fixed assets management through the particular system. For instance, establishing the management system of the school fixed assets mainly guided by the finance department, the specializing organization combining with the democracy management, periodically checking system in order to put the practical management responsibility into practice; Using informational management methods to qualify the fixed assets install and guarantee the safety of the state-owned property; Establishing the standard management process, especially the establishment of the asset acceptance and the system of the discard management when receiving and arranging assets, and making the reduce and the increase of the finance agree with the assets through the reacceptance and arrangement papers, in order that everything goes right and each asset management responsibility is assigned to concerning people.
Journal of Jinling Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
the school fixed assets
fixed assets management, finance agreeing with assets