针对某电厂并列运行的220 kV线路电流异常现象,分析了各种故障可能性,通过排查,发现该线路回路电阻测试北隔离开关至北母线回路电阻异常。U相北隔离开关触手的3个触点中,有2个触点已经明显分离,并有明显的放电痕迹,另一个触点也处于似接非接的情况,这时会出现线路电流时断时续的异常情况。对该隔离开关位置调整及触指打磨处理后,回复了隔离开关的正常工作状态,保障了线路的安全稳定运行。
Aimed at the current abnomality in 220 kV transmission lines with parallel-operation, the feasibility of each fault is analysed. The loop resistance batween the north switch-disconnector to the north busbar is found to be abnormal through check one by one. Two contact points of the north switch-disconnector U phase had been separated and discharged obviously in the three contact points, another contact point was in poor contact thus the abnomal current was occurred. The safe and steady operation is guaranteed after the location had been debugged and the contact finger had been burnished.
Jilin Electric Power