将基因重组的碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)作为外源性生长因子来观察比较不同浓度的 bFGF 对猪深Ⅱ度烧伤创面愈合的影响。结果表明连续用药3~5天后,创面外观及电脑图像分析显示,bFGF 对猪深Ⅱ度烧伤创面的愈合有一剂量效应。创面活检标本经用流式细胞计数仪做细胞 DNA的周期分析表明,用 bFGF 后创面细胞的 G_1期比例下降,S 期和 G_2+M 期比例增多;其变化规律与创面所用的 bFGF 浓度有关,并与电脑图像分析所得的数据相一致。提示浓度合适的 bFGF 能明显地促进创面的愈合。
Basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF)plays an important role in tissue repair.The pur- pose of the present study was to observe the therapeutic effects with different concentrations of recom- binant basic fibroblast growth factor(r-bFGF)on wound healing of deep Ⅱ degree burn in pigs.After topical application of r-bFGF for 5 days postburn,the outward appearance of the wound and the wound healing rate quantitated by computer video image analysis system showed that there was a dose-depen- dent effect on wound healing;the DNA cycle analysis of biopsy specimens of the wound examined by flow cytometry indicated that the percentage of S phase and M+G_2 phase was increased,and the per- centage of G_1 phase was decreased.Regulation of these changes were related to the concentration of r- bFGF.Conclusion:topical application of r-bFGF in suitable concentration accelerated significantly heal- ing of burn wound.