Thirty seven rabbits were randomly divided into three groups fed with different feeds,the basic feed group as a control, high cholesterol group (feed containing 1. 2% cholesterol) and highcholesterol feed added to Dong Li San which is a chinese medicine that can promote the contraction ofgallbladder. All animals were fed with the corresponding feeds for four weeks. The results showed that12 out of 14 rabbits in the high cholesterol group developed gallstone and 2 of 10 rabbits in the highcholesterol and Dong Li San feeding group had gallstone formation. The latter showed much higher emp-tying rate of gallbladder,lower level of mucin in the bile and much lower resistance to the cystic ductthan those of the former. The results suggest that Dong Li San can effectively prevent gallstone forma-tion by promoting gallbladder contraction,reducing mucin in bile,decreasing cystic duct resistance andpromoting the emptying capacity of gallbladder.
Cholelithiasis Dong Li San Prevention