The replacement of mythological thinking by the rationalized attitude toward cognition in ancient Greece is a matter of great significance. Epistemology makes progress as logos gradually denies old mythos, resulting to some extent in the birth of philosophy among others. Besides influences from outside, the seeds of scientific epistemology lie deep inside the Greek culture itself. In addition to other factors of stimulation, queries on omens and divination should be regarded as an important priority for the fulfillment of the above-mentioned transition. By rebuking his divination, dares to disrespect Apollo. In a similar manner, Hector on insults the priest in public, and even es Pouludamas furiously with his wise prophet, believing that with Zeus's promise of victory one can "discredit the birds". Eurumachos has gone even farther. He denounces divination twice, and sneers at the priest recklessly. Queries on divination by the chieftains are not performed as an isolated phenomenon. The behavior is somewhat "echoed" by the attitude of the masses and, therefore, has its social background. Although against the poet's original intention, the ageold practice of divination, while seriously questioned, is confronted with unprecedented challenges in the Homeric epics.
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