为适应无线射频识别技术的发展,对基于MF RC500的RFID射频读写器进行了研究。介绍了RFID系统的基本原理及结构框架,并对MF RC500芯片做了简单的介绍和说明,然后给出了实际的电路原理图,并根据关键寄存器的设置给出了使读写器对电子标签完成读写基本功能的流程图。测试表明该方案可行,读写器工作稳定、功耗低、抗干扰能力强、升级方便,可集成传感器或无线通信装置应用于生产、物流、医疗等领域,有一定的发展潜力。
To conform to the development of RFID, the RFID reader/writer based on MF RC500 is researched. The basic principle and structure frame of the RFID system is introduced. The MF RC500 chip is introduced, and the schematic of specific circuit is given. In accordance with the setup of the critical registers, the flowcharts of basic functions of Read and Write for electronic tag are presented. The tests show that the scheme is feasible, the operation of the reader/writer is stable, the system features low power consumption, high anti-interference capability, easy upgrade. It is able to be integrated with transducers or wireless communication devices for production, logistics, and medical areas, and possess certain potential developing prospects.
Process Automation Instrumentation