Although there is as yet no consistent definition for energy finance in today's academic community,the field is developing globally along with social progress and economic and political change.Integration of energy and finance is increasingly ubiquitous in today's global economy,as can be seen in:finance supporting energy industry development, energy companies taking an active role in financial markets, combination of energy markets with financial strategies,and the rapid development of the energy efficiency financing market.In China,energy finance research and application is still in its early stages.Utilization of integrated energy and finance will be vital to resolving the practical energy and economic issues China is now facing,specifically:1)Ensuring the sustainable development of China's energy industry;2) Supporting a'Going Global'strategy among energy companies;(3)Developing a Chinese energy efficiency market,and promoting energy conservation and reduced consumption;4)Developing a market for petroleum financial derivatives to avoid the risk of fluctuating oil prices;5) Developing of an energy financial market to improve investment portfolio structure;6)Utilization of the energy financial market to establish strategic oil reserves.
International Petroleum Economics