
不同年龄家兔各个脑区NOS活性变化规律的研究 被引量:1

Changes of Nitric Oxide Synthase Activities in Various Brain Regions of Different Age-groups Rabbit
摘要 采用生化检测技术,借助分光光度计和一氧化氮合酶(NOS)活性测定试剂盒测定了不同年龄家兔各个脑区内NOS活性,对NOS活性在不同年龄家兔脑内衰老变化规律进行了研究。结果表明:①各年龄组小脑组织中NOS含量最高,其次是间脑、脑干、大脑皮质。②兔脑NOS活性在仔兔时基本发育到成年兔水平,以后随年龄而增长,直至衰老,到老年兔时出现显著的衰老变化,兔脑NOS活性以成年兔最高,老年兔最低。结果提示:随着动物的衰老,NOS活性降低,NO的合成量相应减少,以至于不能正常发挥NO生理条件下的调控作用,这可能与老龄动物呈现出的脑功能衰退、血管硬化和血压升高等变化有关。 Spectrophotometer and nitric oxide synthase(NOS) detection kit were used for finding out law of NOS activity in various brain regions of different age-groups rabbits. The results showed:①NOS activity was detected in every area of rabbit brain, furthermore NOS activity in rabbit cerebellum was higher than diencephalon and brain stem, the lowest activity was found in cerebral cortex. ②Basically, NOS activity of the young rabbit had developed to the adult rabbit's level. It developed from maturation to senescence gradually with age. To the aged rabbit, the NOS activity appeared senescence obviously. NOS activity was higher in the adult group than that of young group, juvenile group and the youth group. The lowest NOS activity was found in the aged group. The results indicated that the decreased NOS activity and diminished NO production might weaken role of No on nerve regulation with the rabbit's doating, which perhaps effect the senescence of rabbit brain, arterial sclerosis and increase in blood pressure.
出处 《畜牧兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第10期1098-1101,共4页 ACTA VETERINARIA ET ZOOTECHNICA SINICA
基金 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(Y2003D04)
关键词 兔脑 一氧化氮合酶 活性 rabbit brain nitric oxide synthase activity
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