目的探讨蓄电池制造业铅中毒的预防控制措施及消除铅中毒的可能性。方法对淄博某蓄电池厂1951年建厂以来铅中毒预防控制措施、工作场所空气中铅浓度的检测资料、铅作业人员的铅中毒发病情况等,采用相关分析和曲线拟合等方法进行统计学分析。结果对该厂1951年至2005年铅中毒预防控制措施效果的分析表明,在开展铅中毒防护措施前,工作场所空气中铅平均浓度13.53 mg/m3;到70年代末和80年代末,平均浓度分别降至1.00 mg/m3和0.50 mg/m3以下;90年代后,平均浓度降至0.30 mg/m3左右。铅中毒患病率由38.27%,70年代末和80年代末分别降为2.00%和1.00%左右。铅中毒的平均发病工龄由4.2年延长为6.8年。1992年以后铅作业人员未发生铅中毒。分析结果显示工作场所铅浓度与铅中毒患病率总体上呈密切的对数正相关,r为0.748 8,F值为40.837 1(P=0.000 0)。结论该厂经过50年来建立起的一套适合生产并预防控制铅中毒的措施,有效地控制了铅危害,消除了铅中毒。
Objective To explore the possibility of control and elimination of lead poisoning in manufacturing industry of storage battery. Method The correlative analysis and curve fitting methods were used to analyze the preventive and control measures on lead poisoning, the air concentration of lead in workplace and the incidence of lead poisoning in lead workers etc. in battery factory that built since 1951 in Zibo. Result The retrospective analysis on the data from 1951 to 2005 showed that before the preventive measures were taken, the average lead concentration in workplace was 13.53 mg/m^3; after taking preventive measures during the end 1970s, the average air concentrations were decreased to 1.00 mg/m^3 and 0.5 mg/m^3 during 1970s and 1980s respectively, after 1992, the average concentration further decreased to 0.3 mg/m^3. As the result of these progress, the incidence rates of lead poisoning were decreased from 38.27% to 2.00% and 1.00% respectively, and no lead poisoning case occurred at all after 1992. Additionally, the average onset length of service was obviously prolonged from 4.2 years to 6.8 years. The results showed as well, that there was a close log positive correlation between air lead concentration and the prevalence of lead poisoning r = 0.748 8, F = 40.8371 ( P = 0.000 0). Conelusion It is definite, that the preventive or control measures on lead poisoning established during 50 years is suitable and effective, and the lead poisoning is controled or eliminated.
Chinese Journal of Industrial Medicine
Storage battery
Lead poisoning