当前,随着视频监控、可视电话、电视会议等多媒体应用技术的迅速发展,对数字视频捕获技术的要求越来越高。实现视频捕获的方法有很多,该文主要介绍了微软公司VFW(Video for Windows)软件包中的AVICap窗口类的成员函数和一些关键宏,以及与编写视频捕捉程序紧密相关的几个结构体。最后,通过一个视频捕捉应用程序,展示了如何具体实现视频捕捉,以及要注意的相关问题。
With the rapid development of multimedia application technology such as video watch, visible telephone, TV conference and so on, the request of video capture has been increased. There are many methods to implement video capture, but, this paper introduces mainly member functions, some macros, and several structures related, which are contained in AVICap window class that developed by the MS Inc. Finally, the paper demonstrates how to implement video capture and some problems needed more care by a application of video capture.
Network & Computer Security