To improve the performance of the ontology matching process, a more efficient ontology matching algorithm, which can effectively eliminate unnecessary operations of matching entities, is proposed. By the theoretical analysis and proof, a set of matching rules are summarized for depicting inherent relations among matching results of entities. Based on these rules, the proposed algorithm can reuse the matching results of two entities to directly determine the matching results of their adjacent entities. Thereby, redundant operations of matching adjacent entities can be avoided, which can improve the performance of the whole matching process. The experimental results show that, compared with related algorithms, the proposed algorithm has high matching accuracy and can remarkably reduce the consuming time of the whole matching process. So, the proposed algorithm is more competent for the large-scale ontology matching which often occurs in the practical heterogeneous web resources integration project.
R & D Infrastructure and Facility Development(No2005DKA64201)
the National High Technology Research and De-velopment Program of China (863Program) (No2006AA12Z202)