文章研究了一种新型单级单开关PFC反激变换器。该变换器负载变轻时其储能电容电压不会飘升,应用于宽范围交流输入电压,储能电容电压低于450V。变换器用其变压器中的一个附加绕组实现了升压功能。由于省去了大电感,减小了变换器的体积和重量,在中小功率应用场合下,变换器符合IEC61000-3-2class D谐波标准,并且具有输出电压快速调节能力。
This study presents a new single-stage single-switch PFC flyback AC/DC converter. The size of the bulk inductor used in the conventional boost based power factor correction cell can be significantly reduced in the proposed converter. The voltage across bulk capacitor can be held under 450 V by tuning the transformer winding ratio even though the converter operates in a wide range of input voltage (85V-265 VAC). This new converter will comply with IEC 61000-3 2 class D under the load range of 200 W,and can achieve fast output voltage regulation.
Telecom Power Technology