
基于正三角形小区结构的空时编码性能分析 被引量:1

Performance Analysis of Space-Time Coding Based on Equilateral Triangle Cell Structure
摘要 研究新型无线通信小区结构中3种空时编码的性能比较与分析。首先介绍了基于多小区协作的正三角形小区结构;并分析了3种空时编码方法:正交空时分组码(Orthogonal space-time block codes,OSTBC),VBLAST(Vertical bell laboratories layered space-time)和线性离散编, (Linear dispersion codes, LDC)在不同的信道配置环境下的性能。由于0STBC的过低频谱效率以及VBLAST系统的符号间干扰 (Inter-Symbo Interference,,ISI),使得这两种编码都不适用于三角形小区结构。数值仿真表明:在正三角形小区结构中,LDc相对于0sTBC和VBLAST都表现出较好的各种频谱效率和解码算法性能,尤其相对OSTBC,LDC的增益约为3~4dB。 The performance of three space-time coding schemes used in a new wireless communication cell structure is analyzed. Equilateral triangle cell structure with the cooperation of base-stations is introduced. And three space-time coding schemes: as follows OSTBC(Orthog- onal space-time block codes), VBLAST (Vertical bell laboratories layered space-time) and LDC (Linear dispersion codes) are analyzed based on this cell structure. Because of ISI(Inter-sym- bol interference) in BLAST and low spectrum efficiency in OSTBC, neither of them is suitable for equilateral triangle cell structure. Simulation results show that in equilateral triangle cell structure the performance of LDC is obviously better than OSTBC and VBLAST in a variety of spectrum efficiency and decoding algorithms. Compared with OSTBC, the gain of LDC is about 3-4 dB.
作者 邓单 朱近康
出处 《数据采集与处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期251-256,共6页 Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing
基金 国家自然科学基金(60572066)资助项目 国家863计划快速启动(2005AA123920)资助项目
关键词 小区结构 正交空时编码 线性离散码 VBLAST cell structure orthogonal space-time block codes linear dispersion codes vertical bell laboratories layered space-time
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