A kind of in-situ measurement method is introduced in this paper, by which the radioactivity in the clayey sand of ground surface contaminated by radioactive particulates can be investigated. In the experiments, the circular plane regions whose radius is r are concerned, and the thickness of contaminated layer is l ; the detector is mounted above the centre of circular plane region, and it' s height is h. The technique called " sampling deduction" was used in the measurements. At one spot, the first in-situ measurement was performed directly, then the second measurement was carried out after the contaminated layer were wiped out and filled with "clean clayey sand" ( in which there were no ^137 Cs). The radioactivity of contaminated layer was calculated through the net count rate of the second measurement which was subtracted from the first measurement. The contaminated layer samples which were wiped out are collected overall for laboratofial measurement and analysis. When r, h and l were 0.80 m, 0.50 m and about 0.02 m respectively, the results showed that the maximum deviation of ^137 Cs was 37 percent when making the comparison of measuring results betwean laboratorial analysis and the in-situ measuremert method.
Radiation Protection