
四川广旺煤矿区地质环境问题与对策 被引量:4

Geological environmental issues and countermeasures of Guangwang coal mine area,Sichuan Province
摘要 广旺煤矿区位于四川省北部。是四川两大主要产煤区之一。现保有资源储量为1.717×10^8t。矿区面积420km^2,涉及国有煤矿17座,乡及村办煤矿近300座。矿山生产规模为(3~30)×10^4t/a,年总产量(250~300)×10^4t,开采逾40a,累计产煤约1.2×10^8t。目前各矿山已转入下山开采,开采高程局部已达+0m水平以下。矿山地质环境问题主要表现为采矿引起的地面开裂、沉降、塌陷和地下水疏干,造成房屋墙体裂缝、地下水水位下降、农田渗漏,采矿引发矿山泥石流、滑坡、崩塌等。矿山地质环境问题严重制约着地方经济发展,影响当地群众正常生产和生活,甚至威胁当地人员生命和财产安全。建议对该矿区地质环境问题进行详细调查。制订矿产资源开发、地质环境保护和地质灾害防治规划,改进煤矿开采方法和尾矿堆放方式,尽快进行地质环境治理,实现可持续发展目标。 Abstract: Guangwang coal mine area, one of the two main coal production regions in Sichuan Province, located in the north of Sichuan Province. The area of this coal mine district is 420km^2 , and its retained mineral reserve is 1.717 × 10^8t. There are 17 state-owned mines and 300 village-owned mines in this district. Their production capacities range from 3 to 30 × 10^4t/a,and the total productive output is 250- 300 × 10^4t. Accumulative total of 1.2 × 10^8t coal have been mined for the last 40 years when mining activity started. In recent years, most of the mines switch to decline mining, the relative elevations of part mining section of some mines are already under Om level. Currently the geological environment of the mine is gradually worsening; these occurrences is mainly demonstrated by the split, subsidence, and collapse of ground surface, the drying up of underground water, the cracking and leaning of building walls, the lowering of water tables, and the leakage of irrigations. Meantime, the mining activity has caused mudslides, slope sliding, and rock collapse. These geological hazards have deeply threatened the local economical development, and even affected the locals' quality of life and safety. We propose that a detailed investigation be conducted into the geological environmental issues of Guang-Wang coal mining district, the establishment of comprehensive planning for resource exploitation, geological environmental protection and geological hazards prevention, and the innovation of mining and tailing methods. In any case, project funding is crucial for curing the mining hazards in order to achieve the zoal of lonz-term persistent economicdevelopment.
出处 《中国地质灾害与防治学报》 CSCD 2007年第3期70-72,76,共4页 The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control
关键词 地质环境 对策 四川广旺煤矿 geological environment countermeasure Guangwang coal mine, Sichuan Province
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