Leading-edge method is commonly used in evaluating ITD(Interaural Time Difference). The seleclion of rational criterion range and the stability of leading-edge method are investigated by applying leading-edge method to three different HRIR(Head-Related Impulse Response) data with four different criterions,namely 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. Results show that the rational criterion selection depends on research object, the way of obtaining HRIR, etc. And the stability of leading-edge method depends on the rising slope of binaural HRIRs. Decreased by the complicated and dissymmetrical anatomical structure, the rising slope of HRIR leads to instability of leading-edge nlethod, especially at lateral azinluths. Anlong the rational criteria, 10% criterion is reconlnlended. All the conclusions are helpful for understanding and applying leading-edge nlethod properly.
Audio Engineering