Objective To analyze chest X-ray and CT imaging for evaluation of pulmonary air leaks in infants. Materials and Methods The X-ray and CT findings of 23 infants with pulmonary air leaks were analyzed retrospectively, there was pulmonary interstitial emphysema in 7 cases, pneumomediastinum in 12 cases, and pneumothorax in 14 cases. Pneu mothorax combined with pneumomediastinum was in 5 cases. Pneumomediastinum combined with subcutaneous emphysema around neck and/or chest was in 7 of 12 cases. Results Pulmonary interstitial emphysema showed bubble-like or linear lucencies radiated from hilar on chest radiographs. Pneumomediastinum showed Stripe, linear and masslike lucencies around/in superior mediastina, thymus gland elevated (thymic sail sign) , and hyperlucency of superior mediastina. Pneumothorax showed hyperlucent unilateral lung field, stripe radiolucent belts around mediastina and hearts, and hyperlucent - lower lung fields combined with radiolucent belts above diaphragms. Conclusion Plain chest X-ray and CT are valuable for most of pulmonary air leaks in infants. CT can also show all kinds of air leaks and provide more correlative information.
Journal of Clinical Radiology