
斯堪的纳维亚模式终结了吗?——论北欧国家的福利改革 被引量:9

The End of the Scandinavian Model? Welfare Reform in the Nordic Countries
摘要 福利社会的斯堪的纳维亚模式在许多年来被看成是"蒂特马斯典范"①,即对社会政策制度化再分配模式实施的范例。然而,最近的改革趋势对这一假设提出了挑战。除了诸如削减开支之类的规则变化外,其他的变化尽管很多,如1990年代制度设置和福利国家目标的改变等;尽管和十几年甚至二十多年前比,斯堪的纳维亚福利国家的特征弱化了,且该模式正在趋于欧洲化,但其主要变化仍只是对现有模式的局部修正,而不是完全趋同于欧洲社会模式,因而并不意味着这一福利模式的终结,它仍然还是独树一帜的。一些新因素的出现仅仅是欧盟内部福利模式发挥着作用的表征。 The Scandinavian cluster of welfare societies has for many years been considered a realisation of Richard Titmuss' institutional redistributive model of social policy. Recent reforms have, however challenged this assumption. The paper sets out to evaluate whether recent major changes in welfare provision are merely modifying the model or whether the Scandinavian states are converging towards some kind of European social model. It is concluded that besides very many first order changes, such as reducing benefits, a number of second and third order changes have occurred; i.e. the institutional setting and the objective of the welfare states have changed during the 1990s. The Scandinavian welfare states are still distinct, but less so than a decade or two ago. The new elements are features usually associated with welfare models at play within the European Union. It is, hence, concluded that welfare in Scandinavia is undergoing a process of Europeanisation.
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第5期16-22,33,共8页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 斯堪的纳维亚模式 北欧 福利社会 福利国家 Scandinavian cluster north Europe welfare societies welfare states
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