
基于P2P的远程教学直播系统设计 被引量:2

Design of distance education live-cast system based on P2P
摘要 针对目前基于客户机/服务器(C/S)模式的远程教学直播系统在大规模用户同时在线时的服务器瓶颈问题,提出了基于对等网络(P2P)的解决方案,并对一个现有的基于C/S模式的系统成功改造成基于P2P模式。改进后的系统对网络带宽和服务器处理能力要求明显降低,且容易部署,扩展性高,并发支持的用户数量大大增加。主要介绍了基于P2P系统的设计原理与体系结构,以及对现有一个基于C/S模式的远程教学直播系统的实现方法。 Aimed at the server bottlenecks of current existing live media streaming system based on client/server (C/S) when the user scale is large, one solution based on P2P is brought forward, and an current system base on C/S is transformed to the system based on P2P successfully. After amelioration, the system has the characteristic of low requirement of network bandwidth and server processing ability, easy deployment and high scalability, and improved maximums of the number of the users supported obviously. The design principles, architecture of the system, and the implement method that based on C/S models are discussed.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第17期4237-4240,共4页 Computer Engineering and Design
关键词 对等网 流媒体 远程教学 直播 数据驱动 P2P streaming media distance education live-cast data-driver
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