在讨论了MODIS中分辨率成像光谱仪(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)遥感图像几何畸变的成因后,文章引入了利用MODIS数据间的互补性去除这种“双眼皮”现象的概念,其后采用了Kriging插值的方法对数据进行重采样。在与其他几何纠正和插值方法进行比对后结果表明,该方法能较好地去除边缘重叠影响,并能保持原有云图的特征和信息,对MODIS资料数据在后续的反演工作中有一定意义。
Discussing the reason of the geometric distortion of MODIS image, a concept which with the relation of MODIS data to do geometric correction is import and the Kriging interpolated method to resample the data is adopted, comparing to other methods of geometric correction and resampling , this method can remove the “bowtie effect” and can remain the information and characters of original image, and have significances to the following work of remote sensing of MODIS data.
Ocean Technology