红外焦平面阵列(IRFPA)的快速发展对探测器的非均匀性校正技术要求越来越高。目前常用的基于标定技术的两点或多点校正算法在应用中难以完全克服探测器响应的非线性和随时间及环境变化的漂移的影响。本文提出了基于标定和基于场景的联合校正算法及其在FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)上的实时实现技术。其中利用基于标定的二项式拟合算法来消除探测器的大部分非均匀性,基于场景的时域高通算法来抑制探测器非均匀性参数漂移的影响,从而使这两类算法取长补短,可有效克服各自的缺陷。文中详细描述了基于FP-GA实现联合校正算法的基本原理和处理流程。实验表明,这种联合校正算法效果良好,可以充分满足大规模IRFPA非均匀性校正的要求。
Rapid progress of infrared focal plane array (IRFPA) technology needs better non-uniformity correction (NUC) methods. However, the prevailing two-point or multi-point correction algorithms based on calibration methods can't effectively overcome the non-linearity and spatio-temporal drift of the detector response parameters. A novel combined real-time non-uniformity correction method based on field programmable gate array (FPGA) technology is presented in this paper. The method adopts the binomial fitting algorithm based on calibration to remove the main non-uniformity of the detector, and the remained non-uniformity is compensated by using the scene-based temporal high-pass filter algorithm. The block diagram of hardware circuit and the processing flow are described in details. The experiment results show that the combined method can access the ideal efforts and may satisfy the requirements of the future IRFPA applications.
Laser & Infrared