
体外受精——胚胎移植中剩余胚胎去向的伦理思考 被引量:6

Ethical Discussions on the Surplus Embryos from in vitro Fertilization-embryo Transfer
摘要 随着体外受精-胚胎移植技术不断发展和普及推广,在技术应用过程中出现了大量的剩余胚胎。剩余胚胎的去向日益成为医疗机构面临的一个亟须关心的问题,对剩余胚胎如何处置引发了一系列伦理和法律方面的争议。从生命伦理学角度出发,阐述了剩余胚胎的产生和去向,并就剩余胚胎处置中涉及的伦理和法律问题进行了分析和探讨。 With the ever - increasing popularity and development of in vitro fertilization - embryo transfer (IVF- ET) , a large number of surplus embryos have been generated. How to properly treat those embryos and truly pro.tect the legal rights of patients from being injured has become an urgent concern for medical institutions. Because issues related to the surplus embryos may trigger a series of ethical and legal controversies. From the view of bioethics, a discussion on the generation, destination and disposal of surplus embryos is elaborated, which is involved in the ethical and legal issues. In the analysis of those arguments the author focuses on the value and moral status of human embryo and finally put forward some recommendations to strengthen the management of the assisted reproductive technology standardized system and establish the correct moral values.
出处 《中国医学伦理学》 2007年第4期46-47,62,共3页 Chinese Medical Ethics
关键词 体外受精-胚胎移植 剩余胚胎 产生 去向 伦理 IVF - ET Surplus embryo Generation Disposal Ethics
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