A system of dissolved air floatation is designed, and the parameters of techniques and structnre which affect on the efficiency of pnrification are elementary studied in this paper. The testing resuhs indicate that the micro-solids can be separated efficiently from fishing water, the pH value can be influenced, and the dissolved oxide can be increased simuhaneously by using this foam fractionation system. The efficiency of separation may be influenced by gas flux, liquid flux, height of liquid, dissolved gas pressure and the height of the little cohnnniation in he system, specially the height of liquid. The wiping rates of COD and Tud increase to 54.47percent, 71.48percent/1.2meters from 16.13percent,28.15percent/0.6meters,separately. By justifying and controlling the parameter faetors, wiping rate of Tud can reach 71.48 percent and COD 54.47 percent.
Journal of Anqing Teachers College(Natural Science Edition)