目的研究跗骨窦综合征的磁共振成像(MRI)特点。方法采用1.5T MR I扫描仪,常规做横轴位和矢状位SE T1和FSE T2加权扫描,也可以根据需要做冠状位和斜位扫描,均使用表面线圈,层厚和间隔分别为5mm和1mm。结果MRI能显示跗骨窦内组织的炎症、变性或损伤。本组12例跗骨窦综合征的MRI表现为T1信号降低9例,不均匀信号3例;T2呈高信号12例;2例伴韧带撕裂,4例伴骨皮质下小囊肿,2例可见相邻跟骨、距骨的骨髓水肿。结论MR I可以清楚显示跗骨窦的解剖和病理变化,是诊断跗骨窦综合征的有用工具。
Objective To describe the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features of tarsal sinus syndrome. Methods MRI of the tarsal sinus syndrome was performed by using a 1.5-T MR unit in conjunction with a surface coil in 12 patients. The standard scan included an axial plane and a sagital plane using T, and fast T2 sequence. The oblique and coronal plane was optional on condition that it was needed. Section thickness/interval was 5 mm/1 mm respectively, with 16 cm field of view and 256 × 256 acqisition matrix. Results MRI can visualize inflammatory,degenerative and traumatic changes in the small tarsal sinus. It showed a decreased signal compared with the normal or contralateral finding on T, weighted imaging in 9 cases,and inhomogeneous signal intensity in 3 cases,high signal intensity on T2 weighted imaging in all cases,torn lateral ligament in 2 cases,small subeortical cyst in 4 cases. Bone marrow edema,commonly in the adjacent talus and calcaneus in 2 cases was noted. Conclusion MRI is a useful diagnostic tool in tarsal sinus syndrome,which can clearly demonstrate the anatomy and pathological changes of tarsal sinus and its surrounding soft-tissue abnormalities associated with this entity.
Journal of Traumatic Surgery