目的:探讨内镜下治疗食管贲门黏膜撕裂综合征病人的护理措施。方法:对我科21例食管贲门黏膜撕裂综合征病人的临床资料进行回顾性调查,总结护理经验,提出护理措施。结果:发病后24~48 h内应严密观察出血征象及生命体征的变化,指导病人绝对卧床休息、禁饮食,避免增加腹内压的因素。对大出血的病人积极采取有效的抢救措施。结论:本组病人护理方法科学、有效,经积极治疗及精心护理均痊愈出院。
Objective :To explore the nursing measures for Mallory-Weiss syndrome underwent endoscopic therapy. Methods:The clinical data of 21 patients with Mallory-Weiss syndrome were retrospectively analysed, to summarize nursing experience and measures. Results:It was necessary to observe bleeding sign and vital signs within the initial 24~48 hours, and to instruct the patients to keep in bed absolutely, fasting,avoid factors increasing abdominal pressure. For patients complicated with massive hemorrhage,effective rescuing measures should be taken.Conclusion :The measures taken in our study are scientific and effective, all the patients fully recover with our intensive nursing.
China Medical Herald