Objective To study the complication and clinical significance of surgery through transmaxillary approach for the tumors invading skull bases. Method Forty patients with tumors invading skull bases were treated by surgery through transmaxillary approach. Results The total or subtotal removal of tumors were achieved under an operating microscope in all the patients. All the patients were followed up from 1 to 70 months (mean, 30.7 months). One patient died of rupture of internal carotid artery during rinsing craniofacial wound and sucking the rinsing fluid 30 days after the operation. Recurrence of the tumors was observed in 12 patient (5 patient has good living quality and 7 patients died). Two patients died of the other diseases. There were not recurrence of the tumors in 25 patients. The postoperative complications included the partial necrosis of translocation tissues in 2 patients, palatal leakage in 3, CSF leakage in 3, wound infection in 2, tinnitus and decrease in the heating ability of the operative side in 5, eyeball movement disorder of operative side in 3, difficultly opening mouth in 5, and obstructive dyspnea duo to swelling of laryngopharynx 1 day after the operation in 1, in whom tracbeotomy and respiratiory device-assisted respiration were performed and the tube was withdrew 7 days later. The necrosis of maxillary bones did not occurred in all the patients. Conclusion Better exposure and complete removal of tumors can be achieved by surgery through transmaxillary approach, which has good curative effects and less complications in the patients with tumors invading skull base.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Neurosurgery
Skull base
Neurosurgical technique