
不同SO_3掺量下C_3S矿物的形成 被引量:2

Formation of Tricalcium Silicate with Different Content of SO_3
摘要 通过化学分析,应用等温煅烧的方法对不同SO_2掺量为(0%,1%,2%,3%,3.5%,5%)的C_3S矿物形成过程从动力学角度进行了系统探讨。通过拟合得到了C_3S矿物形成的动力学模型,并根据该动力学模型对不同SO_3掺量下C_3S矿物形成的速率常数进行了计算。结果表明:在1450℃,不同SO_3掺量下,C_3S矿物形成由三维球形对称扩散动力学模型f(α)=(1-(?))控制;随着SO_3加入量的增加,C_3S矿物形成的速率常数呈非线性变化;从游离CaO的含量和反应速率常数的角度来说,SO_3的加入有利于C_3S的形成。并且SO_3加入量的增加有利于C_3S的多相体M_1的稳定。 Using isothermal sintering, formation kinetics of tricalcium silicate with different content of SO3(0%, 1%, 2%, 3% , 3.5%, 5% )was investigated by chemical analyzing. By fitting determined the formation kinetics model of tricalcium silicate with different content of SO3 at the sintering temperature of 1450℃, at the same time, on the base of this kinetics model, the reaction rate constant of tricalcium silicate formation with different content of SO3 was calculated. The experiment result shows formation kinetics of tricalcium silicate with different content SO3 obey the rate law equation f(α)=(1-(3√(x+y)^2) = Kt. The reaction rate constant of tricalcium silicate formation change non-linearly with the content of SO3 increased. It is showed that addition of SO3 do favor formation of tricalcium silicate by the result of content of free-CaO in samples and reaction rate constant of tricalcium silicate formation. The addition of SO3 influences the polymorphism of tricalcium silicate, and increase of SO3 favor stabilization of the polymorphism M1.
出处 《硅酸盐通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期685-690,共6页 Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society
基金 本文得到国家重点基础研究:"973"计划资助项目(2001CB610704-1)
关键词 X射线衍射 C3S SO3 形成动力学 速率常数 X-ray diffraction tricalcium silicate SO3 formation kinetics reaction rate constant
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