介绍一种自行开发的用于居民小区自动抄表系统中的主站管理软件。该软件以Win2000/NT为开发平台,Delphi 7.0为开发工具,数据库采用关系型数据库SQL Server7.0。着重介绍了主站管理软件的数据库结构和界面结构的设计方案。该软件能够通过GPRS网络向集中器发送抄表指令,把集中器抄回的电表数据存储在数据库中,并能对数据进行相应的处理。
The paper introduces a software which is used in the residents district automatic meter reading systerm. The software runs on Win 2000/NT and is developed by Delphi 7.0 and SQL Sever7.0 database. The structure of database and contact surface are emphasized. The software can transmit instructions to the concentrator and put the datas in the database by GPRS net. It also can calculate the data.
Mechanical Engineer