The Compton Gamma-Ray Telescope, COMPTEL/CGRO, works in the energy range of 0.75-30MeV.We have analyzed COMPTEL/CGRO #1 data using the direct demodulation method. The Gamma-ray source Crab was located exactly; the Crab and the quasar PKS0528+134 which could not be resolved by the maximum likelihood method were resolved completely in the energy range 10-30MeV. The imaging results are better than that using traditional methods. The image analys is of phase resolved data of the gamma-ray pulsar Geminga shows that Geminga still has emission in the energy range 10-30MeV and the emission comes mainly from the phase region peak 1. We draw a conclusion from this work that the application of the direct demodulation method to the image analysis of Compton Telescope data is feasible.