以3个也门铁(Dracaena fragrans)品种(金心也门铁、金边也门铁和普通也门铁)茎段为材料,研究了植物生长调节物质、基本培养种类、AgNO3、栽培基质等因素对其离体再生的影响.结果表明:茎段在MS+3.0 mg/L BA+0.3 mg/L IAA+2.0 mg/L AD上,腋芽萌发生长的同时也部分启动腋芽基部周围茎段组织的分化;在MS+3.0 mg/L BA+0.3 mg/L IAA上培养1代,每外植体平均分化出长1 mm以上的不定芽5~6个.不定芽在MS+1.0 mg/L BA+0.1 mg/L IAA+3.0 mg/L AgNO3上的增殖率在390%以上.将高度1.2 cm以上的不定芽转至MS+0.05 mg/L BA+0.05 mg/L IAA+1.0%AC上壮苗培养1代,芽的高度和粗度增加1.5倍以上,平均株高约3.5 cm.将高度3 cm以上的不定芽转入1/2MS+0.5mg/L IBA上诱导生根,最后将幼苗移至等质量的椰糠、泥炭土、珍珠岩上生长45 d,3个品种苗高分别在15,16,10 cm以上.由此建立的也门铁离体繁殖体系,通过2年多的生产实践检验,其启动率、不定芽分化率、生根率、移栽成活率均能稳定在98%以上.3个品种在启动、不定芽分化、增殖、生根、移栽等过程中表现出相似的规律,尤其以金心也门铁和普通也门铁比较接近,但金边也门铁分化率较高而苗生长势差.避免脱分化形成愈伤组织以及减少或阻止愈伤组织再分化是减少金心也门铁和金边也门铁这类嵌合体品种发生变异的关键之一.
Taking the stem from three varieties of Dracaenafragrans as a material, the effect of the factors such as the plant growth regulators, the different basal culture medium, silver nitrate, and the cultivation medium upon tissue culture regeneration were investigated. The results showed that the axillary buds germinated, at the same time stem tissue differentiation around axillary buds substratum was initiated with MS+3.0 mg/L BA+0.3 mg/L IAA+2.0 mg/L AD; then one generation were raised on MS+3.0 mg/L BA+0.3 mg/L IAA, in which 5 - 6 adventitious buds split up from each explants tall about lmm equally ; the proliferation rate of adventitious bud reached is over 390.00% for MS+I.0 mg/L BA+0.1 mg/L IAA+3.0 mg/L AgNO3. One generation of the adventitious buds bigger than 1.2 cm were raised as the strong sprouts in MS+0.05 mg/L BA+0.05 mg/L IAA+1.0%AC, the bud increased approximately above 1.5 times stronger in coarseness with average height about 3.5 cm; The sprout higher than 3 cm were transitted to 1/2MS+0.5 mg/L IBA to induce rooting; Finally the seedling grows were transitted to the combination with the coconut tree rice polishings : Marly soil : On the pearlite (1 : 1 : 1), after 45 days, the height of the three seedlings reached above 15, 16, 10 cm respectively. Over two years of test, a highly effective and stable tissue culture system of Dracaena fragrans was established, its initiation rates, bud differentiation rate, rooting rates, and survival rates was above 98% stably. Three varieties display the similar rule in the start, in the processes of the bud differentiation, multiplication, takeing root, transplanting and so on in particular Dracaena fragrans cv.massangeana and the ordinary Dracaena fragrans are quite close, but there was a higher seedlings and a low growth potential difference in Lindenii. It is vital to reduce the variation of Dracaena fragrans cv.massangeana and Dracaena fragrans cv.lindenii by preventing the differentiation from forming callus as well as the r
Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Natural Sciences)
Dracaena fragrans
vitro culture
highly efficient regeneration system