应用自行研制的胸部肿瘤放疗定位装置和现有的放疗设备,实现适形放射治疗,并探讨这种适形照射技术在胸部肿瘤放疗中应用的可行性。选择42例胸部恶性肿瘤患者,其中肺癌33例,纵隔肿瘤9例;经组织学或细胞学证实,鳞癌29例,腺癌13例,采用Rander Plan 3.0治疗计划系统设计放疗计划,每例患者均做常规和适形2个计划,照射总剂量均为60Gy。常规计划先采用前、后对穿野40Gy,再加斜野20Gy;适形计划依照医生勾画的靶区设计3~5个共面或非共面不规则射野。用剂量体积直方图(DVHs)比较靶区剂量和正常组织受照射剂量的差异。胸部定位装置能够起到体位固定和重复的作用,实现三维适形照射,满足临床要求,大大减少正常组织的受照剂量,值得在临床推广使用。
To evaluate the feasibility and clinical meaning of conformal radiotherapy for chest carcinoma. 42 chest tumor patients with 29 squamous carcinoma and 13 adenocarcinoma were treated by the use of immobilization device designed by authors and radiotherapy equipment with Rander Plan 3.0 treatment plan system (TPS). Both treatment plans, conventional plan and conformal plan, were performed to every patient with the total dose of 60 Gy. The conventional plan included 2 A/P opposed radiation fields with 40Gy followed by oblique fields. The conformal plan consisted of 3 or 5 coplane or non-coplane irregular fields according to target delineations. The differences with target dose and normal tissue absorb dose by the DVHs were compared. The immobilization device designed by authors can immobilize the body and be used rapidly, which can realizes 3-dimentional conformal radiation and meet the clinical requirement. It is worth using in clinic for reducing the normal tissue absorbed dose.
Chinese Medical Equipment Journal