目的 了解合肥市青年男男性行为者(MSM)梅毒和HIV感染状况以及相关的因素,为对该人群进行梅毒与HIV预防干预提供依据。方法 采用应答者驱动招募、关键知情人介绍及在MSM网站上发布广告三种方法招募年轻的男男性行为者,进行匿名问卷调查与HIV和梅毒血清学检测。结果 202名调查对象平均年龄为20.7岁,大学及以上学历占66.9%,在校学生为62.4%,63.4%的人自认为是同性性取向,26.7%的人自认为是双性性取向。HIV感染率为1.0%,RPR阳性率为7.0%,TPPA阳性率为13.1%。单因素2检验表明,曾进行过HIV检测、一生中肛交同性性伴4个以上与梅毒感染相关,2值分别为10.944与7.696(均P〈0.01)。结论 年轻的男男性行为者中梅毒感染情况严重,HIV在该人群中流行条件已经具备,急需在该人群中开展性病艾滋病的高危行为干预,尤其要加强大、中学校学生性病艾滋病知识宣传和健康教育。
Objective To know the prevalence of syphilis and HIV infection among young men who have sex with men (YMSM) ,and the related factors. Methods 202 YMSM were recruited by RDS ( Respond Driven Sampling), informative key persons and advertisement on gay website. The participates were investigated with anonymous questionnaire and tested about HIV and syphilis. Results Of the 202 participants, the mean age was 20.7. The education level was relatively high and student accounted for 62.4% among YMSM. 63.4% YMSM i- dentified themselves as gay, 26.7% as bisexual. The prevalence of HIV was 1.0% , RPR was 7.0% and TPPA was 13.1%. It was found that the two HIV positive YMSM were college students. Of 202 participants, 27.2% had more than one life-time female sexual partners, 95.1% had more than one life-time male anal sexual partners. In the past 6 months, 87.2% had one more male anal sexual partners and 29.7% did not consistently use condom during insertive anal intercourse, and just 17.4% consistently use condom during receptive anal intercourse. The prevalence rate of syphilis infection was significantly higher in those who had more than 4 life-time male anal sexual partners and had the history of HIV testing. Conclusion The prevalence of syphilis and HIV infection were high among YMSM. The health education and behavior intervention about HIV/STIs prevention aimed at YMSM should be imperative at present, especially the students of high schools and universities.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science
Men who have sex with men
High risk sexual behavior