
乐观人格倾向问卷的编制及信效度研究 被引量:24

Dispositional Optimism Questionnaire:Development,Reliability,and Validity
摘要 目的:探讨乐观人格倾向的理论模型,编制乐观人格倾向问卷。方法:分别对108名、216名及334名大学生组成的样本进行ELOT中译本问卷分析、乐观人格倾向预测问卷探索性因素分析和该问卷正式版验证性因素分析及信效度检验。结果:①ELOT问卷并未呈现两维性,统计指标未达应有标准。②探索性因素分析提示乐观人格倾向问卷支持一维结构理论,验证性因素分析表明一维模型拟合良好:2χ/df为3.32,RMSEA为0.08,SRMR为0.05,CFI为0.97等;信度较高:Cronbachs’α系数0.932,折半信度0.919,重测信度0.802。同时效度检验:乐观和生活满意度、抑郁和焦虑症状均有显著中等强度的相关。结论:乐观人格倾向为一维结构;乐观人格倾向问卷具有良好的心理测量学指标,可以用来测量个体的乐观人格倾向性。 Objective: To discuss the theory model of dispositional optimism and develop the Dispositional Optimism Questionnaire (DOQ) for Chinese People. Methods: ELOT was analyzed with a sample of 108 undergraduates. DOQ was developed and evaluate with exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis with two samples of 216 and 334 undergraduates respectively. Results: (1)ELOT did not show two-dimensions, and its statistical indexes were below the required standard. (2)Exploratory factor analysis showed that dispositional optimism questionnaire Supported one-dimensional structure,and confirmatory factor analysis of the one-dimensional model showed good fit: x^2/df was 3.32, RMSEA was 0.08,SRMR was 0.05,et al;the reliability and validity of DOQ was satisfying. Cronbach's alpha was 0.932, the split-half reliability was 0.919, and the retest reliability was 0.802. Optimism was moderately associated with life satisfaction, depression, and anxiety. Conclusion: Dispositional optimism has one-dimensional structure; the psychological measurement indexes are fine and DOQ can be used to measure the individual dispositional optimism.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSCD 2007年第4期335-338,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
关键词 乐观人格倾向 信度 效度 因素分析 Dispositional optimism Reliability Validity Factor analysis
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