Background: Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography (ERP) is an important procedure for evaluation and treatment of pancreatic diseases. The procedure should be performed by the experienced endoscopists, or it is risky if performed by a novice. There is limitation for training endoscopists by means of practising the ERP procedure on humans. Therefore, to find a suitable model for ERP is of importance for endoscopists. Aims: To appraise the feasibility and value of using pigs as a model for practising ERP by a novice. Methods: Six healthy pigs were used in this experimental study. After sedation with 20 mg ketamine I.M, 3% pentobarbital (30 mg/kg) was injected I.P. When the pig was under stable anesthesia, ERP was performed and a stent was inserted into the pancreatic duct. The whole procedure was carried out under electrocardiogram and respiratory monitoring. Results: ERP procedure was successfully performed in 4 pigs and failed in 2, although the opening of pancreatic duct was seen. Porcine bile duct and pancreatic duct had their own opening at the duodenum. Pancreatography demonstrated that the left and right branches of pancreatic duct merged into the main pancreatic duct with opening on the wall of duodenum. Blood leukocyte count and serum amylase level increased significantly on the first day after ERP in some pigs and returned to almost normal by the 7th day. Conclusions- Using pig as a model for ERP is feasible. A much simpler anesthetic modality for ERP in pigs has been developed. Porcine model for ERP can be used by novice to improve their technique and also can be used in related medical research studies.
Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology
Pancreatography, Endoscopic Retrograde
Pig, Domestic