Three neonates with choledochal cyst were treated from 1981 to1995. All of them were Sirls. The age at Operation was 49 days. 34 days and 38 days,re-spectively. They Presented jaundice,acholic stools and abdominal mass. A bdominal ul-trasonographyshowde a cystic mass in the right upper abdomen. A choledochal enteros-tomg was Performed in one,total cyst excision with Roux -en -Y hepatico jejunostomywas Performed in two. All of them were cured. The auther's experiences suggest thatcyst excision with Roux - en - Y hapatio - jejuncstomy is an preferred procedure forcholedochal cyst in neonates It's result in follow up Period is satisfactory.
Hebei Medicine