介绍模块化机械传动系统的总体设计思路。该系统分为四级应用模块,并用Visual Basic 6.0、Visual FoxPro 6.0和Visual LISP协同开发。各模块以Windows和AutoCAD为运行支持系统,在接口程序的控制下,自动运行和传递数据。本文着重介绍一级应用模块的程序接口设计技术。系统可把5种机械传动模块任意排列与组合,得到3 905种不超过5级的传动方案,并自动连续完成总体设计计算、各级承载能力计算、公差数据库查询和传动零件图绘制。
The design of modular mechanical drive system was introduced. The system is divided into four levels of application module and is developed with Visual Basic 6.0, Visual FoxPro 6.0 and Visual LISP. These modules use Windows and AutoCAD as executive support system, and can automatically execute and tranmit datums under the control of their interface programs. The interface program design technic of one level application module was introduced. The system can do accidental permutations and combinations for five kinds of mechanical drive module, to get 3 905 kinds of drive programme that is less than five level, and automatically and continuously finish total design computation and work capability computation, tolerance database inquiry and drive part drawing drafting of each level.
Machine Tool & Hydraulics