阐述了光电位置敏感器件(Position Sensitive Detector简称PSD)的结构、特点、工作原理;通过系统分析2D-PSD产生的非线性,提出一种采用电桥理论分析2D-PSD产生非线性误差的新方法,这种分析方法较插值算法、神经网络优化法、解析法等都简单地多;采用高精度低温漂高输入阻抗前置放大器、加法器、减法器、除法器等元器件,对改进型的2D-PSD的信号调理电路板进行设计与调试;使用连续发射的激光光源和改进型的2D-PSD,设计了一种三维非接触高精确度的光学测量系统,用于诊断人体皮肤畸形不规则形状的三维物体参数的测量具有很高的应用价值,而且这种高精度新型的光电器件与计算机技术、断层X光摄影技术以及层析技术相结合,可以研制成多种医用设备,对疑难病变,尤其是人体皮肤畸形的多种参数进行早期的诊断,有着非常广阔的应用前景。
The structure, the characteristic and the principle of Position Sensitive Detector ( PSD ) are expounded. By thoroughly analyzing the non-linearity provided by 2D-PSD, a new method using bridge theory to analyze the non-linearity is introduced. This method is very simpler in comparison with interpolation algorithms, optimization method of neural network and analytic method. The improved 2D-PSD signal debugging circuit board is designed and debugged by using front-end amplifier with low temperature drift and high precision and high-input impedance, summator, subtracter, divisor and other components. By using the improved 2D-PSD and continuous-emitting laser as optical source, a 3D noncontact optical measuring system with high precision is designed. This system can be used to measure the parameters of 3D object with anomalous form such as the abnormality of man' s skin. Furthermore, combined with computer technology, tomography and Chromatography, this high precision photoelectric device can be developed into various medical equipment, which have extremely wide application in the diagnosis of difficult pathological changes, especially in the early diagnosis of parameters for the abnormality of man's skin.
Life Science Instruments
Lateral optoelectronic effect, Correction of nonlinearity, 3D noncontact measuring system, Diagnosi