战术集成系统具有集成战术通信、导航定位和网内识别功能。由于其工作在Lx(960-1215MHz)频段,无法完成信息的超视距实时传输,限制了其在超视距机动作战中的应用。TIS网关(C2P)是实现TIS信息和指控信息的超视距实时传输的关键设备。实现的实时系统是一个基于Windows NT的弱实时系统,它通过在NT上采用多任务抢占机制以及同步卫星为中继的数据链路实现了TIS信息和指控信息的超视距实时传输.解决了信息的超视距实时侍输问题.
Tactical Integrated System (TIS), or JTDIS, is a wireless tactical data link with the functions of communication, navigation, locating and inner-net identification. It uses pulsed transmissions in the 960 - 1 215 MHz (Lx band) frequency band,thus it is unable to realize the real-time and beyond- visual-range transmission of information, which may limit its application in beyond -visual-range operation. TIS gateway (C2P)is the key device to realize the real-time and beyond-visual-range transmission of the TIS information and command/control information. The real-time system put forward here is a soft real-time system based on Windows NT. Preemptive multitasking mechanism is used on NT, in this way, the beyond-visual-range and real-time transmission of the TIS and command/control information can be realized via data link relayed by synchronous satellite.
Electronics Optics & Control