
医疗环境下“软阅读”的质量管理研究 被引量:4

Research on quality control methods for "soft copy reading" under clinical environment
摘要 目的:通过国际权威机构提供的软拷贝质量管理软件,探索在医疗环境下"软阅读"的日常质量管理方法。方法:随机选用专业显示器2台(最大分辨率分别为1K、1.5K),50.3cm(21英寸)普通显示器1台。应用SMPTE RP 133-1991、BWH和TG18模板,测试显示器亮度、分辨率、灰阶及解剖结构,评估软阅读时显示器的工作质量。结果:显示器在一定亮度下均能符合SMPTE 133-1991测试模板的要求。专业显示器能显示测试模板四周及中心水平与垂直线对且大部分显示清晰,少数隐约显示;无线条扭曲、变形,无线对融合等。普通显示器能部分显示测试模板四周及中心水平与垂直线对但仅部分显示清晰,少数线对群未能显示;无线条扭曲、变形,高线对群有融合。专业显示器细微解剖结构显示清晰,普通显示器肺纹理、骨小梁、软组织层次等精细结构部分显示不清。结论:①在医疗环境下,普通显示器分辨能力不能满足精细解剖结构的显示,必须根据不同临床需求选用不同等级的专用显示器,才能确保医学影像诊断的准确性。②在软阅读的日常质控管理中,应通过测试模板确认显示器初始工作状态是否正常。 Objectlve:By using soft copy quality control software provided by an internafionally recognized body, to find out quality control methods for "soft copy reading" under clinical environment, Methods: Two professional display monitors (highest resolution of 1K and 1.5K respectively) one ordinary 21 inch display monitor were selected at random by using SMPET, BWH, TG18 templates, by measuring brightness, resolution, gray scale and anatomical structures, quality of the monitors during soft copy reading were graded. Results: Professional and on:linary display monitors both fulfill the requirement of SMPTE PR 133 - 1991 measurement template system under certain brightness. Professional disphy monitors can disphy the horizontal and vertical lines at the centre and the four corners ofthe test image are fight and dear. Rarely the images can be faint in profile. There is no bending, change in structure or convergence of the lines etc. Ordinary monitors can only display a portion of horizontal and vertical lines at the centre and four corners of the test image clearly, rarely the lines groups may not be well displayed. There is no bending, change in structure of the lines. Convergence of the high lines may be seen. Professional display monitor can display even the minute anatomical details clearly. Lung markings, traheculae, soft tissue composition are not well displayed by ordinary monitors. Conclusion:①Under clinical environment, Minute anatomical details cannot be well demonstrated in an ordinary display monitor resolution. Therefore different grades of professional display monitors should be used according to the clinical requirement. So as to improve the accuracy of radiological diagnosis; ②for quality control of soft copy reading, it should be verified that the display monitor is working normally by testing it with standard testing template.
出处 《医学影像学杂志》 2007年第7期750-753,共4页 Journal of Medical Imaging
关键词 软阅读 SMPTE TG18 专业显示器 Soft copy reading SMPTE TG18 Professional display monitor
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