
UWB-ad hoc网络中MAC协议性能的研究 被引量:2

Research on the performance of MAC protocols in UWB-ad hoc system
摘要 一个有实际应用价值的通信系统,必须要以有QoS保证的提供为基础。针对跳时UWB-ad hoc通信系统的特性,分析了发送功率与信干比以及信干比与传输速率的关系。根据该系统应用需要,提出不同应用对系统QoS的指标要求,在此基础上,以跳时UWB-ad hoc系统的应用为出发点,提出一种功率—速率联合控制、按照具体业务要求进行资源分配,并且提供QoS保证的MAC协议,即TDQG协议。该协议通过资源预留来适应ad hoc网络分布式的特点,通过资源动态分配使得跳时UWB系统资源被充分利用。仿真结果进一步证明TDQG协议应用于跳时UWB-ad hoc网络时具有优越的性能。 In general, QoS guarantee is the basic element for a commtmication system in the real world. Accordingly, the relationship between transmission power and SINR was investigated, as well as the relationship between SINR and data rate. And different QoS requirements correspond to various applications. Then a MAC protocol, named TDQG was presented based on TH-UWB-ad hoc system, which can guarantee QoS requirements in term of material traffics. TDQG reserves resource to the potential links to accommodate the distributed character of ad hoc network, and dynamically assigns the resource to make the best of it. A mass of simulation results gave more proves to the superiority of TDQG in UWB-ad hoc system.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第7期111-117,共7页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60432040)~~
关键词 UWB-ad HOC MAC协议 信干比 QOS UWB-ad hoc MAC protocals SINR QoS
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