Teucrium polium is a dwarf sub-shrub usually 30-60 cm high with many branches, which is fairly distributed throughout Iran, with its flowering being season mainly from April to July. The plant was collected during its flowering season in Baghmalek region in the North-East of Khuzestan province, Iran. After the identification of the genus, species and variety of the plant, the dried whole plant (flowers, fruits and the leaves) was steam distilled with different methods. The isolated essential oil was dried over anhydrous sodium sulphate and stored at 4-6 ℃. Analysis of the essential oil was carried out by GC-MS technique. At least 10 major components were identified (3-carene/α-pinene, β-phellandrene, limonene, germacrene, β-bourbonene, β-caryophylene, γ-muurolene, γ-elemene, spathulenol, β-eudesmol) (totally 97.02%). Also, successive TLC and column chromatography of the essential oil resulted in the separation of four fractions. Based upon 1^H NMR, IR and mass spectra, the fractions with Rf=0.12 and 0.93 were determined as gualol and a mixture of α-pinene, β-phellandrene and limonene, respectively.
Teucrium polium is a dwarf sub-shrub usually 30-60 cm high with many branches, which is fairly distributed throughout Iran, with its flowering being season mainly from April to July. The plant was collected during its flowering season in Baghmalek region in the North-East of Khuzestan province, Iran. After the identification of the genus, species and variety of the plant, the dried whole plant (flowers, fruits and the leaves) was steam distilled with different methods. The isolated essential oil was dried over anhydrous sodium sulphate and stored at 4-6 ℃. Analysis of the essential oil was carried out by GC-MS technique. At least 10 major components were identified (3-carene/α-pinene, β-phellandrene, limonene, germacrene, β-bourbonene, β-caryophylene, γ-muurolene, γ-elemene, spathulenol, β-eudesmol) (totally 97.02%). Also, successive TLC and column chromatography of the essential oil resulted in the separation of four fractions. Based upon 1^H NMR, IR and mass spectra, the fractions with Rf=0.12 and 0.93 were determined as gualol and a mixture of α-pinene, β-phellandrene and limonene, respectively.