在稳定性不好的网络环境下利用SQL SERVER数据库的复制功能进行数据同步容易造成数据的不完全一致。本文讨论了一个基于SQL SERVER复制方法和压缩技术的数据同步软件DataSend的设计和应用。DataSend通过建设中间层缓解了源数据库和目标数据库的压力;对传输数据进行压缩处理后再传输;通过状态来控制传输的准确性。从而提高了数据同步的传输效率、灵活性、安全性和准确性。
SQL Server replication can synchronize data to various servers by back - end configuration, but it has somelimitations and can not meet specific demands of enterprises. In this thesis, a series of improvements were proposed based onSQL server's replication, including that building middle layer to reduce the workloads of the source and destination database,serializing data before transfer to improve efficiency, and setting record status control for higher accuracy. With the aboveimprovements, our data synchronization method has higher flexibility, better safety and more accuracy compared to SQLserver's replication.
Microcomputer Applications