采用微波消解处理样品,以电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定了我国北京、山东、吉林、云南、新疆、甘肃、山西、陕西、江苏、内蒙十个省区玉米芯中Zn,Mg,Mn,Sr,Fe,Pb,Cu和Se八种元素的含量。加入1.5 mL 68%的HNO3以及0.5 mL HF作为消解剂,在400 W微波功率下3步即可完全将样品消解。测定上述八种元素的相对偏差及回收率分别为:0.72%~4.16%,95.5%~104.5%;1.58%~3.66%,98.2%~103.5%;0.19%~4.58%,97.0%~103.2%;1.31%~4.90%,95.7%~104.1%;1.40%~4.01%,95.9%~104.6%;1.55%~4.28%,95.1%~104.5%;2.16%~5.00%,96.4%~103.5%;2.00%~4.99%,95.1%~101.3%。方法快速、简便、灵敏度高、准确性好,可多元素同时测定,且无损失和环境污染小。
The contents of trace elements of Zn, Mg, Mn, Sr, Fe, Pb, Cu and Se in the corncob collected from Beijing, Shandong, Jilin, Yunnan, Xinjiang, Gansu, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Jiangsu, Neimeng in China were determined by ICP-AES using microwave digestion. The optimum condition of digesting the corncob was: put 1.5 mL of 68% nitric acid and 0. 5 mL of hydrofluoric acid in the pot, then digested the sample with 3 steps under the 400 W power in the microwave oven. This digesting procedure could completely and quickly digest the sample. The relative standard deviations and recovery yield are 0. 72%-4.16% and 95.5%-104. 5% for Zn, 1.58-3.66% and 98.2%-103.5% for Mg, 0. 19%-4.58% and 97.0%-103.2% for Mn, 1. 31%-4. 90% and 95.7%-104.1% for Sr, 1.40%-4. 01% and 95.9%-104. 6% for Fe, 1.55% 4. 28% and 95.1%-104. 5% for Pb, 2.16%- 5.00% and 96.4%-103.5% for Cu, and 2.00% 4. 99% and 95.1% 101.3% for Se, respectively. The analysis of the trace metals by the method of ICP-AES using the method of microwave digestion proved to be easily operational, rapid, highly sensitive, and accurate. It could be adopted as the method of determining many elements simultaneously.
Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis