目的 探讨宫角妊娠的临床特征及早期诊断与治疗。方法 采用回顾性分析法对2003年1月至2007年3月我院收治的40例宫角妊娠临床资料进行分析。结果 40例均治愈。二维B超诊断符合率50%,三维彩色超声符合率87.5%。开腹手术治疗17例,宫腔镜手术4例,宫、腹腔镜联合手术1例,足月妊娠剖宫产术2例。2005年12月份之前,开腹手术占治疗的64.7%,从2005年12月份开始,药物治疗或者阴道B超引导下介入治疗,成为我院宫角妊娠主要的治疗方法,所占比例高达42.9%,而开腹手术则下降至28.6%。结论 宫角妊娠误诊率高,危害大,三维彩色超声明显提高早期确诊率,指导临床治疗。药物治疗以及阴道B超引导下介入治疗效果满意,可作为宫角妊娠常规的治疗方法,在临床推广应用。
Objective To study the clinical characteristics and the early diagnosis and treatment of uterine horn pregnancy. Methods A retrospective study was conducted on the clinical data of 40 cases with uterine horn pregnancy admitted and treated in this hospital from January 2003 to March 2007. Results All 40 cases were cured. The accordance rate of 2D B - ultrasonic diagnosis was 50% and that of 3D color uhrasonography was 87. 5%. There were 17 cases with laparotomy therapy, 4 cases with hysteroscopy, 1 case with hysteroseopy combing laparoscopy and 2 cases with full - term pregnant caesarean section. The laparotomy occupied 64.7% of the all therapeutic procedures during the period before December 2005, but it was decreased to 28.6% by the end of 2005 while the drug therapy, vacuum aspiration curettage under B - ultrasonography or sac suction by puncture, with the proportion of 42.9% , have been become the most important therapeutic procedures for uterine horn pregnancy in this hospital. Conclusion The misdiaglnostie rate of uterine horn pregnancy is very high and it may cause much harmfulness to patients. The 3D color ultrasonography can obviously raise the early diagnostic rate and it may he helpful to clinical treatment, Both of the drug therapy and vacuum aspiration curettage under B - uhrasenog- raphy can get satisfactory therapeutic resuhs and they will he expected to he the most important therapeutic procedures, deserving of the clinical extension.
China Health Industry
Uterine horn pregnancy
Drug therapy
Interventional therapy
Three -dimensional color uhrasonography