试验以大穗型(450万穗/hm2左右)、中间型(525~600万穗/hm2)、多穗型(675万穗/hm2左右)品种为研究对象,通过三种类型小麦品种产量表现,筛选适宜胶东半岛种植且大面积实现9750 kg/hm2超高产水平的冬小麦品种,筛选结果以烟农24、烟2070为代表的多穗型品种为首选。试验系统分析了三种类型小麦群体的动态变化特点,指出胶东半岛多穗型品种9 750 kg/hm2超高产群体质量指标:每公顷成穗720万,起身期分蘖成穗率45%,穗粒数40粒,千粒重38 g,最大叶面积系数为8.6,高效叶面积率75%,有效叶面积率95%以上。
The experiment was conducted to invest yield components of three type wheat cultivars, large-spike type, multi-spike type and mid-spike type, in order to find super-high-yield wheat cultivars with 9750 kg/hm^2 grain yield planted in large areas in Jiaodong peninsula. The results showed that large-spike wheat cultivars were the best, such as Yannong 24 and Yan2070. Community dynam- ic characters of three type wheat cultivars were analyzed systematically. The community indices of large-spike wheat cultivars with 9750 kg/hm^2 grain yield planted in Jiaodong peninsula were spikes per hectare 720 × 10^4 , ear-bearing rate of tillering at jointing stage 45 %, grain number per spike 40, 1000- grain weight 38 g, the highest leaf area index 8. 6, high-available leaf area rate 75 %, effective leaf area rate over 95 %.
Shandong Agricultural Sciences